A girl who looks quiet but plays when she plays; A girl who puts her hair down when the right time comes.

hello, peeps.

so yesterday was like a totally long day...
but basically this week i had gotten a phone call from Kakao Talk Malaysia from a guy named Noel telling me i was invited to the Youtubers Gathering: Bringing You Together-Gether event in KL!
first, i might need to like have a discussion with my mum about this because i have to travel all the way down to The Gardens.

i kinda had a thought that i wouldn't be able to make it.
firstly, i kinda agreed my colleague that i was joining her for my hair and make-up.
for what purpose?
because at the same day of this event, i had a company's annual dinner.

and as you can see, i placed my dilemma on my Twitter account and Ben replied asking me to just go.

well, after an indirect discussion with mum and finally came to realized that it's really not necessary to drive all the way across the bridge to get my hair and face done and come all the way back to the island because it already is quite costly going all the way there and what more RM88 to get me dolled up.
phew, that was long...
and so i went to join the Pillow FIGHT!

 i chose another radio station's tee on purpose for the reason that i would like indirectly tell them to let me win a pillow so i could hide it.
but... to my surprise, i was given a tee by one of the troopers instead!
that was even better because i blended in with the FlyFM people as all of them were wearing that to the event.
now i have 2 radio station tees.

the before and after shots taken from my low-pixel-front-camera phone.

and here are some taken from the crew themselves.
of course you'll see most of me here because those were the only ones i saved.


he came quite close to my face asking whose team should i be on...
all because of one contestant who managed to hit ALL the tennis balls off Hafiz's vest.
the tennis balls were held onto the vest by vacro so not many could hit off anything.
even if we did, it was the announcers who ran around plucking them off.


yay, a request for a photo will all the members.

the morning after.
and notice how Ben mentioned 'ur technique baju merah worked'?

yep, first annual dinner and i am part of it.

hair and make-up: done by the Sandy saloon behind my house.
outfit: borrowed from Miss Cindy.
heels: the ones i bought from ShoePoint for my Romeo and Juliet performance in school and also the ones i wore to Orientation Ball 2013.

speech by Operations Manager: Mr. Anu.

speech by Mr. Dennis from Corporate.

Speech by Mr. Lee, Amtek.

Mr. Alan; Miss Cindy and Miss Amanda. 

mask-changing performance.

Mr. Dennis: It's My Life by Bon Jovi.

back-ups for Miss Uma.
was just moving left and right while clapping my hands.

Mr. Joseph: Better Man by Robbie Williams.

Ani: Hajat by Haida.

Miss Rani: Richard Marx's Right Here Waiting For You.

song of my choice: Celine Dion's That's The Way It Is.

and i had back-up dancers as well.
thank you, Cindy, Fiona and Miss Uma. 
and there were about 7-8 flowers.

my hair.
i got carried away i guess but i posed but i wasn't aware that it was captured like that...

close enough...

Best Dressed.

finalists for the Singing Competition.
the 3 races.

3rd place for me.

Banana and Orange game.

you have no idea how excited he was when he realized he has gotten the first prize.

and now for the spam of group shots...

i wouldn't forget what he said to me that night.
this was just a rough idea of it:
'your mind is great. do not change and you'll go far. listen to me.'

Oppa Gangnam style, Gangnam style..


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